My name is Katrina Bennett. I am a graduate of Autauga County. My entire teaching career has been at Pine Level. Teaching has always been a passion for me. I have a love for learning and hope to foster a love of learning in my students. By making my classroom a safe, fun and disciplined place for my students, I hope they enjoy coming to school and learning something new every day. I feel that all children are different and require specific attention and affection for them to flourish. I will strive to be that for each of my students; an educator who loves each child that walks in her door and gives him/her not only an education, but a passion to learn.
I attended Alabama A&M University where I graduated with a degree in early childhood education. I also have a Master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction.
I began teaching in August 2008. My entire teaching career has been here at PLES. I taught 3rd grade for 3 years. I have taught Kindergarten since 2011.
- review all letters & sounds
- introduce high-frequency words: from & come
- review previously taught high-frequency words
- identify middle sounds
- review rhyming words
- read decodable fluently
- read & write simple sentences
- count to 100
- count on from any number
- 3D shapes: cube, cone, cylinder, sphere
- compose & decompose numbers 11-20
Social Studies/Science
- Spring
Parental Involvement
Have your child work on the following every evening as homework:
- identify ALL letters and their sound
- identify & write numbers 0-20
- count to 100
- read & write high-frequency words: a, the, and, go, I, see, has, you, we, me, he, of, to, as, have, his, is, do, for, little, what, all, look, who, was, they, said, from, come
I try my best not to message outside of school hours unless something important comes up. I do NOT check or respond to emails or messages outside of school hours (Mon. – Fri. ~ 7:45-3:15).
extra clothes
Please send a change of clothes with your child to be kept here at school if needed. Send a short-sleeve shirt, shorts, socks & underwear in a Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s first and last name.
Reading Log
The daily binder has a reading log so that you can write down any books that you read to your child or that he/she reads to you. Your child should bring home a paper book every Monday. He/she should be able to read the book to you. Be sure to set time aside each night to read to or listen to your child read. Be sure to remind your child to tell me when the log is full so that he/she can receive a new one and visit the treasure box.
Mark Your Calendar
- Thurs., March 20 – cap & gown order forms and money ($22) due by 9 a.m.
- No late money will be accepted.
- If your child is not participating, for whatever reason, write that on the form and return it by Thursday.
- Fri, March 21 – Field Day t-shirt online orders due
- March 24-28 – Spring Break– no school
- Fri., April 18 – teacher workday
- NO SCHOOL for students
- Fri., April 25 – Bulldog Binder & Numeracy Day
- more info to come
- Mon., May 5 – Launch Field Trip
- more info to come
- Mon., May 19 – Kindergarten Graduation
- more info to come
High-Frequency Words
Your child will be required to learn and be tested on 31 high-frequency words this year. He/she will have to read, spell and write all 31 words by the end of the year. All 31 words are in a Ziploc bag in your child’s zipper pouch. They are not in order. You will need to look on the list in the binder to put them in order.
The flash cards do not have to stay in the zipper pouch but be sure to keep up with them. You will know which word(s) we are working on by reading the weekly newsletter.
Be sure to practice the high-frequency word(s) for the week daily.
Treasure Box
I use a class treasure box to encourage and reward good behavior. Once a student has earned 10 stickers on their behavior chart, he/she can visit the treasure box. I am asking your help in keeping our class treasure box stocked. If you can send in items (party favors, stickers, bubbles, fun sized candy), it would be greatly appreciated! J
Teacher Note
Please do not
hesitate to contact me via the ParentSquare app, e-mail, note in your child’s
zipper pouch, or by calling the school and leaving a message (334-358-2658) if you
have any questions, comments or concerns.
Be sure to return any paperwork the following
school day.