Lacey Dorsey

3rd Grade math, science, and social studies



Courses Taught:


Math Topic 14 Elapsed Time and Measurement Students should be able to tell time to the nearest minute on a clock. 
Students also need to know multiple ways to write time i.e. quarter after __, half past __, etc.  We will take a test on Elapsed time Friday
Social Studies: We will pick back up with social studies after ACAP
Science Chapter 4 Animals
Assessments: Math Paper test on elapsed time Friday  Science animal sort daily grade


Helpful Websites for additional math instruction 

You Tube: Math with Mr J

Multiplication Practice Songs

Helpful Websites for additional math Practice

- Splash Learn
- Flocabulary
- IXL: You can create a parent account. We do not use this at school. Several parents have used this at home and seen tremendous progress in their child's math. 


7:45 – 8:05             Math Blk 1

8:05 – 8:45             Bulldog Period

8:45 – 9:35             Math Blk 1

9:35 – 10:25           PE

10:25 – 11:10           Math Blk 1/Science/Soc. Studies

11:18 – 11:43            Lunch

11:45 – 12:00          Science/Social Studies

12:00                       Swap Classes

12:00 – 2:20           Math Blk 2/Science/Soc. Studies

2:20 – 2:40             Snack/Swap Classes/Social Emotional

2:40 – 2:50             Pack-up/Dismissal



I earned a Bachelors Degree in Childhood Education from Auburn University at Montgomery in 2016

I also earned a Master's Degree in Early Childhood from Auburn University at Montgomery in 2017.

I have taught in Montgomery, Costa Rica, and Africa. Now, I am blessed to call Pine Level my home.


I moved to Louisiana from Lowndsboro, Alabama when I was 13 years old. Later we moved to Fairhope, Alabama where I graduated high school. I played a year of college softball at Bishop State Community College before transferring to Auburn University at Montgomery. I have been to Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Costa Rica, Israel, and Mexico. I love traveling, the outdoors, and spending time with my family, however my greatest joy comes from teaching.