Lydia Hindman
Kindergarten Teacher
About Me
Hello! My name is Lydia Hindman. I am originally from Ft. Worth, Texas, but Prattville has been home for almost 30 years. I am married to Mark Hindman and have three sons, Caleb, Stephen and Daniel, who attended Autauga County schools. They are now an attorney, aerospace engineer in the U.S. Space Force and chemist! We also are also blessed to have 3 wonderful daughters-in-law and 5 grandchildren! This is my 21st year at Pine Level Elementary. Thank you for the privilege of teaching your child. I love teaching children to read and helping them learn to LOVE reading and learning! My hobbies include reading, baking, singing, playing the piano, and spending as much time as I can with my grandchildren!
Springdale Elementary, Ft. Worth, TX, 2nd grade, kindergarten-5 years
Camellia Baptist Weekday Education- 4K, 1 year
First Baptist Prattville Kindergarten- music, kindergarten- 6 years
Pine Level Elementary, 20 years
I graduated from Texas Christian University (go Horned Frogs!) with a B.S. in Elementary Education, specializing in Kindergarten & Music. I later added an ESL certification.
Upcoming Dates
Friday, March 14- Spring pictures
Friday, March 14- Report cards go home
Thursday, March 20- Cap & gown order forms and money ($22) due by 9:a.m. No late $$ will be accepted.
Friday, March 21- Field day t-shirt online orders due
March 24-28- Spring Break- No School
Wednesday, April 9- Parent picnic for our class in outdoor classroom (11:09)
Friday, April 25-Bulldog Binder and Numeracy Day (more info to come)
ATTENDANCE- It is important for your child to be at school each day unless sick. Please schedule all doctor/dentist appointments in the afternoon. If your child checks out after 11:35 he will be marked "present" for the day.
Week at a Glance
March 10-14
- Review digraphs (th, sh, ch, wh, qu, ck, ng)
- Identify middle sounds in words
- Read H F word: from
- Review HF words: said, who, was, what, they
- Read and write simple sentences
- Read decodable readers fluently
- compose & decompose numbers 11-20 when 1 number is 10
- Practice addition & subtraction
- Review teen numbers
- Count on from any number to 50
- Count to 100
Social Studies/Science-
- Needs and wants
Important Info.
Please review high frequency words (sight words) at home with your child each evening. Have your child read words. Then pick 4-5 each night and have your child spell and write them as you call them out.
Take-Home Books
Your child will bring books home several day a week. Please read the book with your child, write the book on the reading log and return the book inside the bag the next day. Reading to your child is very important. Your child will enjoy it and it will encourage him/her to want to become a reader! When reading log is completed, please take out and place in front pocket of binder. A new log will be placed in binder and your child will go to the treat box!!